What Do Agile Frameworks Have in Common?

Agile frameworks are a set of methodologies, practices and principles that organizations adopt to guide their approach to project management. Some of the most popular frameworks include Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and Extreme Programming (XP). Despite having different origins, goals and approaches, these frameworks share important common characteristics that define what it means to be Agile.

In this article, we will explore the key traits that Agile frameworks have in common, including their focus on adaptive planning, empowering teams, delivering value incrementally, embracing change and fostering collaboration. We’ll also look at how these commonalities shape the structure and practices of Agile frameworks, and how they support organizations in achieving their goals.

Agile Frameworks Focus on Adaptive Planning

One of the defining features of Agile frameworks is their focus on adaptive planning. This means that Agile teams plan their work using a flexible, iterative approach that allows them to respond to changes and uncertainties in the project environment. Agile frameworks emphasize the importance of being able to adjust plans as new information becomes available, rather than relying on a rigid, upfront plan that might quickly become outdated.

For example, in Scrum, teams use sprints to plan their work and make adjustments as needed. Sprints are short time-frames, usually two to four weeks, during which the team delivers a potentially shippable product increment. At the end of each sprint, the team reflects on what worked well and what didn’t, and makes appropriate adjustments to their plan for the next sprint. This allows Scrum teams to continuously adapt their plans to changing circumstances and to improve their ability to deliver value.

Similarly, in Kanban, teams use a visual board to manage their work items, and they use policies and metrics to control the flow of work. Teams can adjust the policies and metrics as needed to optimize their workflow and respond to changes in demand. This approach helps Kanban teams to be more responsive to changing requirements and to deliver value more effectively.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African proverb

Empowering Teams

Another common characteristic of Agile frameworks is their focus on empowering teams. Agile frameworks recognize that teams are best positioned to make decisions about how to deliver value, and they provide teams with the autonomy and accountability to do so. This means that Agile teams are encouraged to make decisions about how to complete their work, and they are held responsible for the outcomes of those decisions.

For example, in Scrum, the team is responsible for estimating the effort required to complete their work, and for committing to delivering a certain amount of work in each sprint. The team is also responsible for managing its own work, and for making decisions about how to resolve any obstacles that arise. This level of autonomy and responsibility helps Scrum teams to be more engaged and motivated, and to deliver higher quality results.

In Kanban, teams are responsible for managing their own workflow and for making decisions about how to optimize the flow of work. Teams are encouraged to experiment with different policies and metrics to find what works best for them, and they are held accountable for the outcomes of their decisions. This approach helps Kanban teams to be more effective and efficient, and to deliver value more consistently.

Delivering Value Incrementally

A third common characteristic of Agile frameworks is their focus on delivering value incrementally. Agile frameworks recognize that projects and products are complex and uncertain, and that it is often difficult to predict all of the requirements and risks up front. To address this uncertainty, Agile frameworks advocate for delivering value in small, incremental chunks, rather than trying to deliver everything all at once.

For example, in Scrum, teams deliver a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each sprint. This allows the team to get feedback from stakeholders and customers early and often, and to make adjustments to their plans as needed. This approach helps Scrum teams to be more responsive to changing requirements and to deliver value more effectively.

In Kanban, teams focus on delivering value by completing work items and moving them through the workflow. Teams prioritize their work based on customer value, and they focus on delivering the most valuable items first. This approach helps Kanban teams to be more focused and to deliver value more consistently.

Embracing Change

A fourth common characteristic of Agile frameworks is their embrace of change. Agile frameworks recognize that change is inevitable, and that it is often beneficialto the project and product. Agile frameworks encourage teams to embrace change, rather than resist it, and to use change as an opportunity to improve their plans and processes.

For example, in Scrum, the sprint review is a formal opportunity for the team to demonstrate what they have accomplished and to receive feedback from stakeholders and customers. This feedback can lead to changes in the product backlog and in the team’s plans for future sprints. This approach helps Scrum teams to be more responsive to changing requirements and to deliver value more effectively.

In Kanban, teams use metrics and policies to control the flow of work, and they are encouraged to adjust these policies and metrics as needed. For example, if a team discovers that they are consistently overloading their capacity, they can adjust their policies to reduce the amount of work they take on. This approach helps Kanban teams to be more adaptive and to respond to changes in demand more effectively.

Fostering Collaboration

Finally, Agile frameworks have a strong focus on fostering collaboration. Agile frameworks recognize that projects and products are complex and that they often require input from many different stakeholders. To address this complexity, Agile frameworks advocate for close collaboration between team members, stakeholders, and customers.

For example, in Scrum, the daily stand-up is a formal opportunity for the team to share what they have accomplished, what they plan to do next, and what obstacles they are facing. This regular communication helps to build trust and understanding among team members, and it supports collaboration and problem-solving.

In Kanban, teams use visual boards and policies to manage their work, and they encourage collaboration by making work visible and transparent. Teams are also encouraged to collaborate with stakeholders and customers to optimize their workflow and to deliver value more effectively.


In conclusion, Agile frameworks have many important common characteristics that define what it means to be Agile. These commonalities include a focus on adaptive planning, empowering teams, delivering value incrementally, embracing change, and fostering collaboration. By adopting these traits, Agile frameworks help organizations to achieve their goals and to deliver value more effectively.
