Using Gantt Charts to Track Progress and Identify Bottlenecks

A Gantt chart is a graphical representation of a project’s schedule, which makes it easier to see what tasks need to be done and by when. By using a Gantt chart, you can track the progress of your project and identify any potential bottlenecks that may slow down your progress. In this article, we’ll explore how Gantt charts work and how they can be used to track progress and identify bottlenecks in your projects.

What is a Gantt Chart?

A Gantt chart is a graphical representation of a project’s schedule. It is a bar chart that displays the start and end dates of each task in the project, and the relationships between the tasks. The chart can be used to show the progress of a project, to identify bottlenecks, and to communicate the project schedule to stakeholders.

Gantt charts were invented by Henry Gantt in the early 20th century, and have since become one of the most widely used tools for managing projects. They are used in a wide range of industries, from construction and software development to marketing and product management.

Benefits of Using a Gantt Chart

There are several benefits to using a Gantt chart to track the progress of a project:

  • Visualization of the project schedule: A Gantt chart provides a visual representation of the project schedule, making it easier to see what tasks need to be done and by when. This makes it easier to identify any potential bottlenecks in the schedule.

  • Tracking progress: A Gantt chart can be used to track the progress of a project. By updating the chart as the project progresses, you can see at a glance which tasks have been completed and which are still in progress.

  • Identifying dependencies: A Gantt chart can be used to identify the relationships between tasks. This makes it easier to see which tasks are dependent on each other, and to identify any potential bottlenecks in the schedule.

  • Communication of the project schedule: A Gantt chart can be used to communicate the project schedule to stakeholders. By providing a visual representation of the schedule, stakeholders can see what needs to be done and by when.

Types of Gantt Charts

There are several different types of Gantt charts, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

Bar Gantt Chart

A bar Gantt chart is the most common type of Gantt chart. It is a bar chart that displays the start and end dates of each task in the project. The chart can be used to show the progress of a project, to identify bottlenecks, and to communicate the project schedule to stakeholders.

Milestone Gantt Chart

A milestone Gantt chart is a type of Gantt chart that only shows milestones in the project schedule. Milestones are significant events in the project, such as the completion of a major task or the delivery of a key deliverable. A milestone Gantt chart can be used to track the progress of a project, to identify bottlenecks, and to communicate the project schedule to stakeholders.

Network Gantt Chart

A network Gantt chart is a type of Gantt chart that shows the relationships between tasks in a project. The chart is useful for identifying bottlenecks and forunderstanding the dependencies between tasks. This type of chart is particularly useful for complex projects with many interrelated tasks.

Creating a Gantt Chart

Creating a Gantt chart is relatively straightforward, and there are several tools available to help you create one:

  • Manual creation: You can create a Gantt chart manually using a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel. This option is best for small projects with only a few tasks.

  • Gantt chart software: There are several software programs available that allow you to create and manage a Gantt chart, such as GanttPRO and Microsoft Project. These programs are more suitable for larger projects with many tasks.

  • Online Gantt chart tools: There are several online tools available that allow you to create and manage a Gantt chart, such as Trello and Asana. These tools are accessible from anywhere and can be used by teams working on a project.

When creating a Gantt chart, it’s important to keep the following in mind:

  • Task names: Make sure to give each task a clear and concise name.

  • Task duration: Estimate the duration of each task, taking into account any potential bottlenecks.

  • Task dependencies: Identify the relationships between tasks, and make sure to include them in the chart.

  • Project timeline: Make sure to include a timeline in the chart, so that you can track the progress of the project.

  • Regular updates: Make sure to regularly update the chart as the project progresses, so that you can see the progress of the project at a glance.


In conclusion, Gantt charts are an effective tool for tracking the progress of a project and identifying potential bottlenecks. By visualizing the project schedule and tracking progress, Gantt charts make it easier to manage projects and keep them on track. Whether you choose to create a Gantt chart manually or use software to do so, the important thing is to make sure that you use the chart regularly to track progress and identify any potential bottlenecks in the schedule.
